Using SSTV for iOS on my phone and a BTECH APRS-K1 Audio Interface Cable (albeit connected to a Kenwood TH-D74A), I just sent my first SSTV image on 145.510 MHz FM simplex. I don’t think anyone heard, but it was a proof of concept exercise.
I recorded the transmission on a separate handheld, using a small voice recorder. Despite this lossy recording method, I was able to reconstruct the image pretty well using the same SSTV app.
Here is the recording, give it a try with your decoder:
Encoded with Scottie 1, try decoding this SSTV transmission with your own SSTV app. (here’s a media file download link)
The implications of this mode are fascinating. I can imagine being in the field and needing to send a photo in a grid-down/remote situation. With just your phone (which is a camera), a cable, and a handheld, you can easily send out images of the scene. It’s basically color fax for hams! Moreover, it’s a quick method for exchanging digital QSL cards. 🙂
This topic was covered in an EMCOMM class I took, but I did not realize the practicality of this. I thought it was “yet another digital mode” that required carrying around luxuries like a laptop computer, TNC, laptop power, and fancy antennas. The iPhone + handheld method brought this down to earth for me, and helped me realize it’s a very portable way of communicating.
Here’s a list of SSTV frequencies I found: