JerryNet is so named because one bored commute home, KG6HQD Jerry went on his DStar radio and connected to REF012A to see if anyone wanted to talk. This became a regular thing and JerryNet™ was born.
Later we started talking about how to include other digital voice modes such as DMR and Fusion. We needed a cross-mode reflector so we ended up on the QuadNet Array on 757A. Someone from JerryNet threw out the idea of setting up our own multi-dv reflector similar to Quadnet’s. When I first heard this idea, I immediately thought it would be an impossibly daunting task. I had impressions of expensive hardware and codec boards and all kinds of crazy Windows applications. But thanks to the documented sharing of helpful hams like N5AMD (who helped start the reflector and website for San Antonio Digital Radio), as well as Quadnet and Kings of Digital, I was able to see that creating something like this was indeed doable. All that research led to a vision of what we wanted, and I drew that out like this:

Researching this was a huge learning experience. From registrations with various directory and network maintainers, to finding out how to configure and link everything together. The information is scattered throughout the Internet, buried in discussion boards, web pages, and example configuration files. What I wanted to do when I got it up and running was to make and end-to-end How-To document.
So without further adieu, here is a document on How to Create a Multi-Mode XReflector, written by yours truly (on Google Docs):
Here is a static PDF, but the above link will always have the latest up-to-date version.
How to Create a Multimode Digital Voice Reflector
If you have a DStar, Yaesu Fusion, or DMR digital voice radio, come say hi at XLX367: DStar connect to REF367A, Fusion go to YSF 68798, and DMR connect to XLX367 DMR. Eventually we hope to have a Brandmeister talkgroup for this multi-mode reflector (pending approval).
We hope to hear from you on JerryNet!
thanks .I do a lot of search to find how to easy create multiple mode reflector with fail .thanks for this
Thanks for your nice sop ,i had build my first YSF and work well , I will try to do build another and crosslink together
By the way ,may I know is should always to register ysf on ysf registration site ? If my friends will build private ysf for local use
Because it will not get the YSF ID and name then can not fill in host file to select ,it still work if I custom them ?